Homeward NYC New York, NY


ELHP Helps purchased winter coats, hats and gloves for children from Homeward NYC. Cheri Fandozzi provided the wish list. The items were ordered by board members and delivered directly to Ms. Linda Rivera at Homeward NYC. Homeward NYC offers a nurturing home where homeless residents heal and thrive. Their housing and support services provide safety and stability—and empower young people with the skills to move forward and achieve permanent housing.

Homeward NYC New York, NY


ELHP Helps purchased Halloween costumes for children from Homeward NYC. Cheri Fandozzi sorted and delivered them. Homeward NYC offers a nurturing home where homeless residents heal and thrive. Their housing and support services provide safety and stability—and empower young people with the skills to move forward and achieve permanent housing.

Project Spread Positivity Plum, PA


ELHP Helps purchased, assembled and delivered two gift baskets to be auctioned off at the benefit golf outing. Thomas Jack Dojonovic's Project Spread Positivity is committed to allocating kindness and dignity to others through various acts of kindness. The money raised is devoted to the education and advocacy of Mental Health and Suicide Awareness. It is their goal to help decrease the stigma associated to Mental Illness.

Jamie’s Dream Team McKessport, PA


ELHP Helps purchased $1,000 in Southwest Airlines gift cards to help send 15 families of children with Down Syndrome to Disney. We also purchased a stuffed animal for 10 children. The mission of Jamie’s Dream Team is to offer hope when there is little, to ease the burden caused by serious illness, injury, disability, trauma, or catastrophic events, and to finally celebrate individual differences by acknowledging dreams as possibilities.

The Bread of Life Etna, PA


ELHP Helps purchased and delivered many food items off of their wish list. Bread of Life serves 100-110 families a month. The majority are older veterans, senior citizens, people with disabilities, and mothers with small children. For 24% of the families, this is their only source of food. They do not receive food assistance from the government. All donations will stay in the Shaler, PA area.

Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery Minneapolis, MN


ELHP Helps was happy to donate toys, clothes, and baby supplies to the Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery. The nursery focuses on prevention by offering free, voluntary services for parents who face barriers such as unemployment, homelessness, medical or mental health concerns, poverty, domestic violence, or other difficult situations. They help strengthen families by connecting them to resources, caring for their children during difficult times, and setting goals that promote self-sufficiency and make the relationship between the parent and child stronger.

The Environmental Charter School Pittsburgh, PA


ELHP Helps donated additional magnetic white boards and letter tiles to the Environmental Charter School. The students loved our donation from last year and ask to use Mrs. Pistella’s reading tiles often. These boards support students and teachers as they teach kindergartener, first & second graders to read and spell words. The Environmental Charter school is a K-12 school located on 4 different campuses in Pittsburgh’s East End. The mission of ECS is to educate each student to high academic standards using innovative curricula that will foster knowledge, love of, and respect for the environment and preserve it for future generations.


Please utilize the organization's e-mail (elhphelps@gmail.com) to communicate any requests or questions. We look forward to displaying many of our successful results.